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Quote-to-Cash Digital-Transformation based on BISTRO – Episode#13

This #Episode13 is dedicated to discussing the convenience of a #DiscoveryPhase vs. moving directly into a #MinimumViableProduct (#MVP), decisions that impact not only in #Overheads also in transformation #Delays.

Concepts to trigger the discussion:

  • Is your company jumping into #QuoteToCash project without a previous #Transformation analysis?

  • As we explained in our Episode#7, has your company prioritized #Requirements and defined #Scope before hiring a specific #Solution?

  • Is your company expecting to implement and fund a #Quote-To-Cash solution without any of the artifacts mentioned above?

Thoughts to brainstorm:

Having said that,

#GMB’s #Quote-to-Cash unique #DigitalTransformation approach and their #BISTRO, a preconfigured #Quote-to-Cash solution, based on #SAPBRIM, plenty of #BestPractices, #IndustryAccelerators and #FlexibleTemplates, it will enable a combined #DiscoveryPhase and #MVP, which will show a real picture of your targeted #EnterpriseArchitecture.

Learn more watching #BISTRO’s video at: